A Breath Of Fresh Air: How Kigalis Car-free Sundays Keep People Moving

The streets of Rwandas capital are packed with minibus taxis and cars. It almost has the feel of a busy afternoon in downtown Johannesburg but for the scores of motorcycles that jostle for space and weave through the traffic.

But from 7am to 10am two Sundays every month, there isnt a single car in sight. Thats when the streets of Kigali go car-free. But the roads will still be busy. City officials estimate that 10 000 people come out for those Sundays, getting on bicycles, strapping on skates, hopping on skateboards or slipping into tackies.

For the past two years, Remy Ishimwe, 24, has jogged with friends every car-free Sunday.

Its a breath of fresh air having no cars on the roads, he says as a group of joggers passes, ululating and singing, this past Sunday.

Public health officials say the project which has been running for the past nine years is an attempt to keep the air, and those who live in the city, healthier.