A Blast From The Past As Tamagotchi Pets Make A Comeback

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a blast from the past as tamagotchi pets make a comeback

Nostalgia alert. Evoking nostalgia with memories of childhood simplicity, a time when it was mostly all about fun. The original virtual reality pet Tamagotchi that was once cherished many years ago has resurfaced and is back on the market.

A Tamagotchi is a toy pet that lives in a tiny portable gadget that is shaped like an egg.

The virtual reality pet invaded South Africa in the 1990s, becoming every childs must have toy.

The toy is a pet in the sense that you feed it, clean up after it and even play with it, much like you would a real pet, only without the actual mess.

Unlike Gen Z who were born between the late 90s and early 2000s, millennials are the generation likely to remember what these are as they were born in the early 1980s to mid 1990s.