10 Struggles Only Capetonians Will Understand

10 struggles only capetonians will understand

Living in Cape Town is a unique experience that comes with its fair share of challenges.

From dealing with the unpredictable weather to navigating the citys notorious traffic, here are 10 struggles that only Capetonians will truly understand.

1. The wind that never sleeps

Cape Town's famous Cape Doctor might be a great name for a superhero, but for us locals, it's just the annoying wind that sweeps through the city like an uninvited guest at every outdoor event. Whether youre trying to enjoy a sunset at Clifton or simply walking to the shop, you'll find your hat, hair, and sense of dignity blown away in an instant.

2. Finding parking in the City Bowl

You've circled around Long Street three times, asked a parking guard where to go he shrugs, and now youre this close to just giving up and Ubering everywhere. The struggle for parking in the City Bowl is real. If you manage to park, it's like winning the lottery, if only that parking space weren't a five-minute walk from your destination.

3. The great weather gamble

Is it going to be sunny or rainy today? Good luck predicting. In Cape Town, you could start the day at the beach in glorious sunshine, only to find yourself battling rain in the afternoon. Don't forget your sunscreen and umbrella, both are essential for any Capetonian's bag.